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Artists You Need To Hear About Right Now


Four unmissable artists, all in one place. The team at Slow Motion Panic Masters has four more incredible musicians for you all to pay attention to right now, or regret missing out on some of the most exciting music the world has to offer.

But first, make sure to follow our spotify playlist with the link below and tune in to hear a regularly updating stream of sensational underground appreciation:



Stop what you're doing and go listen to Kibra. Seriously. This emerging Canadian R&B star is just *waiting* to be appreciated so much better than she is right now, and her newest EP AND IT WAS GOOD. is unmissable. Artists like Kibra are why we at Slow Motion Panic Masters obsess about the underground, desperately hoping to find music we can fall in love with - and Kibra's music is precisely that.

Kibra ticks all the R&B boxes, but with a vocal tone that is somehow both incredibly endearing and phenomenally gifted. Like the classic 1990s figures that she is clearly inspired by, somehow this artist fuses sheer talent with a clear demonstration of personality and a love for creating brilliant music. Start listening to Kibra, you should be convinced by now.

- BEN WHEADON (@wheadsauce)



Alex McArtor: Spotify / Instagram / Facebook

We are simple folk. When we hear acoustic guitars and amazing voices, we always respond the same way: total adoration. Alex McArtor is quickly becoming an established voice of singer/songwriter acclaim out of Texas, and with the talent at her disposal she is poised to grow exponentially in the coming years.

Drawing comparisons to the distinctive vocal delivery of Lana Del Rey, McArtor already has a strong enough collection of incredibly impressive music that she must absolutely be considered as an independent artist of immense potential. Newest singles 'House On The Bay' and 'Biggest Fan' are sensational declarations of McArtor's vocal acumen, but when listening to her 2019 EP Heart Talk, Vol. 1 it should be immediately apparent just how ready this musician is to explode into the mainstream. We can't recommend her enough.

- BEN WHEADON (@wheadsauce)



Based in Rosario, Argentina, Barfeye is a musical project led by Ramiro Hernandez. He has been writing, producing, and mixing his own music since 2016 and, while he has been putting albums out yearly since then, 2020 has been especially busy.

What we love about his two latest releases is their versatility: turn on Pop music for sad people and you get a series of fun electronic beats; listen to Cómo capitalizar la tristeza, however, and you’ll be faced with a much more personal, acoustic experience. While the latter - Hernandez’s first album in Spanish - is still a little rough around the edges vocally, his touching lyrics and his talent with the mixing desk transcend it, and it should be more than enough for you to keep an eye on this inventive Argentinian voice.




Hiro Ama: Spotify / Instagram / Facebook

Experimenting away from his role as the drummer for London four piece Teleman, Hiro Ama (Hiro Amamiya) is set to demonstrate precisely how talented he is with upcoming debut project Uncertainty EP.

Newest single 'Letter From Lahore' is a perfect encapsulation of precisely what Hiro Ama has to offer, and it is fucking excellent. Layering a pentatonic soundscape ethereally above a pulsating electronic beat, the track ebbs and flows with an arresting drive in just how relaxing this house track can be. Along with that, the previous release of 'Broken Satellite' only adds fuel to the fire of our recommendation for Hiro Ama, with its Caribou-reminiscent vocal sampling and paradoxically euphoric and calming drop. We are incredibly excited to see what the artist's next EP can bring, but the one thing we're certain of is just how good it's going to be.

- BEN WHEADON (@wheadsauce)


Thanks for reading! Slow Motion Panic Masters is a music, arts and culture blog created and edited by Ben Wheadon, a literature student and musician based at the University of Oxford. He is also a Fleet Foxes shill.

Ainhoa Santos Goicoechea (pronounced "I-know-ah") is a culturally confused third-year English student from the Basque Country, Spain. She is passionate about film, music and politics, and she should probably know more than she does about all three. Follow us on instagram, like us on facebook and subscribe to our mailing list below to be alerted every time a new post is published on the site.


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